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7. Microsoft Sentinel Content

Sentinel Tips from the Field

Microsoft Sentinel

You want SOAR?

  • Most folks skip Defender in preference for Sentinel...
  • Start from the desired outcome and work your way back from there
  • What is it that SecOps need? - more automation, less manual work ;-)
  • What does that look like? Showcase an example from Contoso Hotels
  • Enable Automated Investigation & Remediation (AIR) at MDI, MDO, MDE and M365 Defender console levels - don't skip this! - as this enables SOAR "at source"
  • Now that we have the first level triage in place, let's now move on to Sentinel...

Ways of working

  • Raw logs by their very nature have a significant cost related to "data gravity" - the more Customers move/copy the logs the more complex the environment as well as more expensive the solution becomes - the design principle that should be recommend is to adhere to the MS Best Practices as much as possible.
  • Should there be any business justification or requirement for "raw logs" please consider a much more efficient method is the ability to stream "advanced hunting" events
  • Please make sure that any request from SecOps for anything more than Alerts/Incidents (like request for raw data) is balanced against cost via Business Case Justification
  • Why ingest or duplicate massive data sets across multiple systems based on a "just in case" scenario
  • A much more efficient system would be to define the "advanced hunting" event that is being searched for and as and when matches are discovered the event is forwarded
  • This process will respect data gravity and reduce costs significantly
  • More information can be found here: Advanced hunting event collection

Reducing TTR

Enable Telemetry

Validate and Test

Enable Reporting

Review and Improve as needed

Filtering Logs

Can be used to reduce data noise, reduce ingestion and retention/storage costs with the goal being to focus on the logs and events that are relevant - This is typically performed by one of the methods for the following scenarios:

Cost Optimization

Sentinel Free Data ingestion: always remember "data collection" is NOT detection!!

This recent addition below looks adventerous - but you might at least want to review the logic and have an alert sent to the team when you should be prompted to review or change the pricing tier? Don't forget to make sure the LAW is changed as well at the same time :)

The following table shows how Microsoft Sentinel and Log Analytics costs appear in the Service name and Meter columns of your Azure bill for free data services. For more information, see View Data Allocation Benefits.

Sentinel - Recommendation to enable M365 Defender Connector


Azure Log Management